Update a Team
Lets you update a team. The “Code” parameter is mandatory. All other parameters are optional – you must pass the other parameters you want to update. If a parameter is not passed, it’s value will not be updated.
Content-Type: application/json{ "Code":1, "Name":"India Sales Team", "Description":"Indian Sales Team", "Sequence":0, "ParentCode":0, "WorkdayTemplateCode":0, "HolidayCalendarCode":0, "SmartViewCode":0, "DashboardCodes":[ 1, 2 ], "DefaultDashboardCode":1 }
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Code | The code for the team. This parameter is mandatory. The code is available on the teams grid (Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Users and Permissions>Teams) |
Name | The value you want to update the name field to. |
Description | The value you want to update the description field to. |
Sequence | Decides the position of the team under the parent team. Note: The value passed cannot be less than 0. It also cannot be more than the maximum sequence in the node + 1. |
ParentCode | Lets you assign the team to a parent team. The code is available on the teams grid (Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Users and Permissions>Teams) |
WorkDayTemplateCode | Assigns a work day template to the team. The code is available on the work day template grid (Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Users and Permissions>Work Day Templates) |
HolidayCalendarCode | Assigns a holiday calendar to the team. The code is available on the holiday calendar grid (Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Users and Permissions>Holiday Calendar) |
SmartViewCode | Assigns a Smart View to the team. The code is available on the smart views grid (Navigate to My Profile>Settings>Customization>Smart Views) |
DashboardCodes | Assigns array of dashboards to teams. To find the dashboard code, navigate to My Profile>Settings>Analytics>Dashboards. Or refer to Get Teams API. |
DefaultDashboardCode | Specify a default dashboard for your team from the array of dashboards passed in the “DashboardCodes” parameter. |
{ "Status": "Success", "Message": { "AffectedRows": 4, "IsSuccessful": true, "Code": 8 } }
HTTP Response Codes
Code | Description |
200 OK | This is the status code for successful API call. |
401 Unauthorized | The API call was made with invalid access credentials. Check your AccessKey and SecretKey. |
400 Bad Request | The message body on the request is not as per API specification. Make sure that content type is set to “application/json” and the JSON body has correct attribute names and structure. |
404 Not Found | The API could not be found. Please check the API signature. |
429 Too Many Requests | API calls exceeded the limit of 25 in 5 second(s) |
500 Internal Server Error | The API called failed. There could be many reasons for it. Check the exception message to get more details. |