Get All Lists
Returns all lists (system generated and the ones you’ve created).
Query Parameters | Description |
PageIndex | This is an optional parameter which should be a positive integer. It will return the lists from the page specified.
For example, if you pass PageIndex=2, all the lists on page 2 will be retrieved. If PageIndex is not passed, lists from the first page will be retrieved. |
ListType | This is an optional parameter which supports 3 values –
SearchText | This is an optional parameter that supports search on List Name. |
[ { "ListId": "3c6f3d0b-8374-11e7-ab78-02de49b06427", "ListName": "Starred Leads", "ListDescription": "List of leads which are Starred by you.", "ListType": "static", "MemberCount": 0 }, { "ListId": "3c6f4134-8374-11e7-ab78-02de49b06427", "ListName": "All Leads", "ListDescription": "All leads you have access to", "ListType": "dynamic", "MemberCount": 7 }, { "ListId": "ab181f97-e477-11e7-ae1c-02bf1924461c", "ListName": "Here is the list name", "ListDescription": "", "ListType": "static", "MemberCount": 0 }, { "ListId": "13eeca05-e095-11e7-9f0f-0236dfe9c25a", "ListName": "New", "ListDescription": "", "ListType": "static", "MemberCount": 22 }, { "ListId": "425916cc-8ef8-11e7-b0ab-02e89b2fb8f4", "ListName": "Lightweights", "ListDescription": "", "ListType": "dynamic", "MemberCount": 2 }, { "ListId": "2089961d-8ef8-11e7-b0ab-02e89b2fb8f4", "ListName": "Heavyweights", "ListDescription": "", "ListType": "dynamic", "MemberCount": 4 } ]
HTTP Response Codes
Code | Description |
200 OK | This is the status code for successful API call. |
401 Unauthorized | The API call was made with invalid access credentials. Check your AccessKey and SecretKey. |
400 Bad Request | The message body on the request is not as per API specification. Make sure that content type is set to “application/json” and the JSON body has correct attribute names and structure. |
404 Not Found | The API could not be found. Please check the API signature. |
429 Too Many Requests | API calls exceeded the limit of 25 in 5 second(s) |
500 Internal Server Error | The API called failed. There could be many reasons for it. Check the exception message to get more details. |