LeadSquared Developer Centre


Custom Tabs & Actions

Custom tabs enable you to fetch data about leads from external systems and display it along with the lead details stored in LeadSquared. As a prerequisite, you have to first install Custom Tab Connector. In addition to default LeadSquared actions, you can create custom actions using the Custom Lead and List Actions Connector. For example, you can create a custom action to show all your support tickets in say Zendesk, Freshdesk or any similar tool.

These APIs deal with CRUD applications you can perform on custom tabs and custom actions once you’ve installed the two connectors.


 Create  Retrieve Update Delete
Create a Custom Tab
Create a new custom tab.
Get a Custom Tab
Retrieve the details of a custom tab.
Update a Custom Tab
Update the details of a custom tab.
Delete a Custom Tab
Delete an existing custom tab.
Create a Custom Action
Create a new custom action.
Get a Custom Action
Retrieve the details of a custom action.
Update a Custom Action
Update the details of a custom action.
Delete a Custom Action
Delete an existing custom action.

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