LeadSquared Developer Centre


Create a Connector

There are multiple steps involved in creating a connector, from configuring the display properties to adding the connector events and actions –

To create a connector,

  1. Log in to your CMP instance.
  2. On the connector listing page, click New Connector.

create new CMP connector


Basic Details

This tab lets you configure what the connector will look like on the Apps Marketplace listing page. Enter the required details, then click Save. Click Next to proceed to the next tab.

basic details CMP

Field Description Example
Connector Name The name of your connector. Maximum characters is 20. CMP description basic details
Description A brief description of the connector. Maximum characters is 200. CMP description new connector
Category Select the category of the connector from the drop-down. For example, SMS, Telephony, Chat, etc. The app will be listed in the marketplace based on the category. connector category
Version The first time you build a connector, the version is set to v1.0 by default. connector version CMP

Note: The number of installations will be automatically reflected.


Marketplace Display

When users click on a connector from the connectors listing page, they’re directed to a standalone page connector details page. Here, you can list in-depth details on your connector, its features and benefits, links to help documentation and more.
Use the Save button to save your configurations and Back and Next for navigating between tabs.

marketplace display CMP

Field Description Example
Help Documentation Link URL for a help documentation page for the connector. Help documentation link CMP
Contact Support Link URL for a contact support page. contact support link CMP
Detailed Description The in-depth description of the connector. CMP app description
Features and Benefits  Specify the features and benefits of the connector. features and benefits CMP
Logo Upload a logo for the connector.

  • Max size: 20 KB
  • Preferred dimensions : 110*110 px.
Connector logo CMP
Description Images Display a series of images depicting your connector’s functionality and benefits.

  • You can add up to 5 images
  • Max size per image: 20 KB
  • Preferred dimensions: 655*376 px
description images CMP


Connector Configuration

Specify the Iframe URL for your connector configuration screen here. When a user clicks Configure on the connector, this URL will be displayed within a pop-up window.

The height and width of the connector configuration screen can be configured either through the Customer Marketplace Portal or through this V2 API.

CMP Configuration URL

Merge parameters can be appended to the URL to access records dynamically. Click View Merge Fields to add merge parameters to the URL.
For example, you can append @{User:AccessKey,}&@{User:SecretKey,} to dynamically get the access and secret keys associated with the LeadSquared account. You can use these keys for authentication and ensure only administrator users can access the connector configurations.

merge fields URL CMP

Merge fields available for connector configuration.

Resource Name Value Type Description
Account Org ShortCode @{Account:ShortCode,} String The shortcode of your LeadSquared account.
User Email Address @{User:EmailAddress,} String User’s email address
First Name @{User:FirstName,} String User’s first name
Full Name @{User:FullName,} String User’s full name. Concatenates ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ strings.
Last Name @{User:LastName,} String User’s last name
Phone Number @{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers,} Number User’s phone number
User Id @{User:UserId,} String User’s Id
Access Key @{User:AccessKey,} String API access key
Secret Key @{User:SecretKey,} String API secret key


Connector Events

Configure the installation, uninstallation, enable and disable events for the connector here.

CMP connector events

Event Type Description
Installation Event Triggered when a user installs the connector from the Apps Marketplace.
You can take various actions on the event such as push the organization and user details to your system, send an automated email to the user, etc.CMP installation event
Uninstallation Event Triggered when a user removes the connector. Some examples of actions you can take are removing authorization credentials and configurations from your system, deleting the user’s details, etc.

remove connector CMP

Enable Event Triggered when the connector is enabled after the disable event.

Enable Connector CMP

Disable Event Triggered when the user disables the connector. On this event, you can disable the flow of data between the systems

disable connector events

For each event, you can configure the following –

Field Description
API URL Specify the URL of the web API to call on the event. Merge parameters can be appended to the URL to access records dynamically. Click View Merge Fields to add merge parameters to the URL.

For information on LeadSquared API, check out our API docs.

HTTP Method GET or POST.

  • GET lets you retrieve data on a resource.
  • POST lets you modify data on a resource. You can pass a ‘body’ of data in the API request.
Content Type Only supported format is JSON. This is automatically passed as a header in the request.

Merge fields available for connector events –

Resource Merge Field Value Type Description
Account Org ShortCode @{Account:ShortCode,} String The shortcode of your LeadSquared account.
User Email Address @{User:EmailAddress,} String User’s email address
First Name @{User:FirstName,} String User’s first name
Full Name @{User:FullName,} String User’s full name. Concatenates ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ strings.
Last Name @{User:LastName,} String User’s last name
Phone Number @{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers,} Number User’s phone number
User Id @{User:UserId,} String User’s Id
Access Key @{User:AccessKey,} String API access key
Secret Key @{User:SecretKey,} String API secret key


Lead Grid Actions

Actions you configure in this section will appear in the lead grids throughout the application. These include actions that can be performed on specified leads or in bulk.

For example, you can create a ‘Send SMS’ action that appears on the lead grid of the Manage Leads page. When a user clicks the action for a certain lead, a pop-up is launched and an IFrame is displayed. You can use merge fields like @{Lead:FirstName,} and @{Lead:Mobile,} to enable users to send SMS –

Send SMS action

Actions are configurable from the Lead Grid Actions tab.

Lead Grid Actions on CMP

UI Area Description
Lead Grid Row Action Appears as a list action on the Manage Leads, Smart Views (lead tabs) and Lead Details, pages within the application.

lead grid actions CMP

Lead Grid Bulk Action Appears as a bulk action the Manage Leads and Smart Views (lead tabs) pages within the application.

bulk actions CMP

Lead List Action Appears as an action on the List Details page. Allows you to perform the action on all leads within the list.

manage lists actions CMP

Configure the following for each action, and click Next when you’re done.

Field Description
Action Label The name of the action that will appear on the UI.
Show Action Show the action on the LeadSquared web app and/or mobile app.
Available to Roles Select the user roles the action will be visible to.
Action Type
  • Call API – Calls an API when the action is triggered.
  • Show Popup – Launches a popup when the action is triggered. If you select this option, you must provide an IFrame URL, popup-up title, and help documentation link.
  • Open in New Window – Launches a new window when the action is triggered. If you select this option, you must a web URL.
API URL Specify the URL of the web API to call on the event. Merge parameters can be appended to the URL to access records dynamically. Click View Merge Fields to add merge parameters to the URL.

For information on LeadSquared API, check out our API docs.

HTTP Method GET or POST.

  • GET lets you retrieve data on a resource.
  • POST lets you modify data on a resource. You can pass a ‘body’ of data in the API request.
Content Type Only supported format is JSON. This is automatically passed as a header in the request.

Merge fields available for lead grid actions –

Resource Merge Field Value Type Description
Lead First Name @{Lead:FirstName,} String Lead’s first name
Last Name @{Lead:LastName,} String Lead’s last name
Email @{Lead:EmailAddress,} String Lead’s email address
Source @{Lead:Source Lead,} String Source the lead was acquired from (organic search, direct traffic, etc.)
Notes @{Lead:Notes,} String Notes on the lead
Phone Number @{Lead:Phone,} Number Lead’s phone number
Mobile Number @{Lead:Mobile,} Number Lead’s mobile number
Website @{Lead:Website,} String Lead’s website
Company @{Lead:Company,} String Lead’s organization
Job Title @{Lead:JobTitle,} String Lead’s job designation
Score @{Lead:Score Lead,} Number Lead’s score (measured according to the lead’s activity)
Created On @{Lead:CreatedOn,} Date Date the lead was created
Modified On @{Lead:ModifiedOn,} Date Date the lead was modified
Prospect Creation Date @{Lead:LeadConversionDate,} Date Date the prospect (on your website) was converted to a lead (in LeadSquared)
Address 1 @{Lead:mx_Street1,} String Lead’s address
Address 2 @{Lead:mx_Street2,} String Lead’s address
City @{Lead:mx_City,} String Lead’s city
State @{Lead:mx_State,} String Lead’s state
Country @{Lead:mx_Country,} String Lead’s country
Zip @{Lead:mx_Zip,} String Lead’s zip
Owner @{Lead:OwnerIdName,} String Lead owner’s name
Owner Email @{Lead:OwnerIdEmailAddress,} String Lead owner’s email
Created By @{Lead:CreatedByName,} String User that created the lead
Modified By @{Lead:ModifiedByName,} String User that modified the lead
Source Campaign @{Lead:SourceCampaign,} String The source marketing campaign through which the lead was acquired
Source Content @{Lead:SourceContent,} String The source content channel through which the lead was acquired
Engagement Score @{Lead:EngagementScore,} Number The lead’s engagement score (measured according to the lead’s recent activity)
Order Value @{Lead:Revenue,} Number Revenue from the lead
Twitter @{Lead:TwitterId,} String Lead’s Twitter Id
Facebook @{Lead:FacebookId,} String Lead’s Facebook Id
LinkedIn @{Lead:LinkedInId,} String Lead’s LinkedIn Id
Skype Name @{Lead:SkypeId,} String Lead’s Skype Id
GTalk User @{Lead:GtalkId,} String Lead’s GTalk Id
Google Plus @{Lead:GooglePlusId,} String Lead’s Google Plus Id
Photo URL @{Lead:PhotoUrl,} String  URL for the lead’s photo
Current Opt In Status @{Lead:CurrentOptInStatus,} String Whether the lead has opted-in or out of email communication
Opt In Date @{Lead:OptInDate,} Date The date the lead has opted-in or out of email communication
Opt In Details @{Lead:OptInDetails,} String Notes related to the lead’s opt-in status
Last Opt In Email Sent Date @{Lead:LastOptInEmailSentDate,} Date The date the last opt-in related email was sent
Lead Age @{Lead:LeadAge,} Number The age of the lead in the system
Account Org ShortCode @{Account:ShortCode,} String The shortcode of your LeadSquared account.
User Email Address @{User:EmailAddress,} String User’s email address
First Name @{User:FirstName,} String User’s first name
Full Name @{User:FullName,} String User’s full name. Concatenates ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ strings.
Last Name @{User:LastName,} String User’s last name
Phone Number @{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers,} Number User’s phone number
User Id @{User:UserId,} String User’s Id
Access Key @{User:AccessKey,} String API access key
Secret Key @{User:SecretKey,} String API secret key


Application Menu

Actions you add here will appear on the LeadSquared main menu under Apps. When a user clicks the menu item, a new page will be displayed where you can configure an IFrame.

apps menu CMP

Each action requires the following details. Click Next when you’re done, or Back to navigate to the previous menu.

application menu CMP

Field Description
Menu Title The label of the menu action.
Available to Roles Select the user roles the action will be visible to.
Page Title Title of the new page that opens when the menu item is clicked.
Page Description A brief description of the actions available on the page.
Iframe URL The Iframe URL to display on the new page. Merge parameters can be appended to the URL to access records dynamically. Click View Merge Fields to add merge parameters to the URL.
Help Documentation Link URL for help documentation.
Video URL URL for a video tutorial.

Merge fields available for application menu –

Resource Merge Field Value Type Description
Account Org ShortCode @{Account:ShortCode,} String The shortcode of your LeadSquared account.
User Email Address @{User:EmailAddress,} String User’s email address
First Name @{User:FirstName,} String User’s first name
Full Name @{User:FullName,} String User’s full name. Concatenates ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ strings.
Last Name @{User:LastName,} String User’s last name
Phone Number @{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers,} Number User’s phone number
User Id @{User:UserId,} String User’s Id
Access Key @{User:AccessKey,} String API access key
Secret Key @{User:SecretKey,} String API secret key


Automation Action

Add actions for your connector that can be triggered on lead, activity, task, or account-based automations. For example, you can automate a ‘Send SMS’ action to trigger whenever a new lead is added to your account.

cmp automation actions

The following configurations are required –

automation actions cmp

Field Description
Action Title The label of the automation action.
Action Description A brief description of the action.
Popup Title The name of the popup that appears when a user clicks the automation action.

automation action label cmp

Iframe URL The Iframe URL to display in the popup. Merge parameters can be appended to the URL to access records dynamically. Click View Merge Fields to add merge parameters to the URL. For example, you can pass merge fields to get the lead and user’s phone numbers.
Popup Dimensions The height and width of the popup in pixels.
Help Documentation Link URL for help documentation.
Execution URL
Content Type Only supported format is JSON.
HTTP Method Only POST requests are supported.

Merge fields available in automation actions –

Resource Merge Field Value Type Description
Automation Action Id @{Automation:ActionId,} String Id of the automation action.
Process Definition Id @{AutomationId:ProcessDefinitionId,} String
Account Org ShortCode @{Account:ShortCode,} String The shortcode of your LeadSquared account.
User Email Address @{User:EmailAddress,} String User’s email address
First Name @{User:FirstName,} String User’s first name
Full Name @{User:FullName,} String User’s full name. Concatenates ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ strings.
Last Name @{User:LastName,} String User’s last name
Phone Number @{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers,} Number User’s phone number
User Id @{User:UserId,} String User’s Id
Access Key @{User:AccessKey,} String API access key
Secret Key @{User:SecretKey,} String API secret key


Custom Lead Tabs

Configure custom tabs to appear on the lead details page.

lead details tabs

Enter the following details to create custom tabs –

Custom lead tabs CMP

Field Description
Tab Title The title of the tab action.
Show Tab Show the action on the LeadSquared web app and/or mobile app.
Iframe URL The Iframe URL to display in the popup. Merge parameters can be appended to the URL to access records dynamically. Click View Merge Fields to add merge parameters to the URL.

Merge fields available for custom lead tabs –

Resource Merge Field Value Type Description
Lead First Name @{Lead:FirstName,} String Lead’s first name
Last Name @{Lead:LastName,} String Lead’s last name
Email @{Lead:EmailAddress,} String Lead’s email address
Source @{Lead:Source Lead,} String Source the lead was acquired from (organic search, direct traffic, etc.)
Notes @{Lead:Notes,} String Notes on the lead
Phone Number @{Lead:Phone,} Number Lead’s phone number
Mobile Number @{Lead:Mobile,} Number Lead’s mobile number
Website @{Lead:Website,} String Lead’s website
Company @{Lead:Company,} String Lead’s organization
Job Title @{Lead:JobTitle,} String Lead’s job designation
Score @{Lead:Score Lead,} Number Lead’s score (measured according to the lead’s activity)
Created On @{Lead:CreatedOn,} Date Date the lead was created
Modified On @{Lead:ModifiedOn,} Date Date the lead was last modified
Prospect Creation Date @{Lead:LeadConversionDate,} Date Date the prospect (on your website) was converted to a lead (in LeadSquared)
Address 1 @{Lead:mx_Street1,} String Lead’s address
Address 2 @{Lead:mx_Street2,} String Lead’s address
City @{Lead:mx_City,} String Lead’s city
State @{Lead:mx_State,} String Lead’s state
Country @{Lead:mx_Country,} String Lead’s country
Zip @{Lead:mx_Zip,} String Lead’s zip
Owner @{Lead:OwnerIdName,} String Lead owner’s name
Owner Email @{Lead:OwnerIdEmailAddress,} String Lead owner’s email
Created By @{Lead:CreatedByName,} String User that created the lead
Modified By @{Lead:ModifiedByName,} String User that modified the lead
Source Campaign @{Lead:SourceCampaign,} String The source marketing campaign through which the lead was acquired
Source Content @{Lead:SourceContent,} String The source content channel through which the lead was acquired
Engagement Score @{Lead:EngagementScore,} Number The lead’s engagement score (measured according to the lead’s recent activity)
Order Value @{Lead:Revenue,} Number Revenue from the lead
Twitter @{Lead:TwitterId,} String Lead’s Twitter Id
Facebook @{Lead:FacebookId,} String Lead’s Facebook Id
LinkedIn @{Lead:LinkedInId,} String Lead’s LinkedIn Id
Skype Name @{Lead:SkypeId,} String Lead’s Skype Id
GTalk User @{Lead:GtalkId,} String Lead’s GTalk Id
Google Plus @{Lead:GooglePlusId,} String Lead’s Google Plus Id
Photo URL @{Lead:PhotoUrl,} String  URL for the lead’s photo
Current Opt In Status @{Lead:CurrentOptInStatus,} String Whether the lead has opted-in or out of email communication
Opt In Date @{Lead:OptInDate,} Date The date the lead has opted-in or out of email communication
Opt In Details @{Lead:OptInDetails,} String Notes related to the lead’s opt-in status
Last Opt In Email Sent Date @{Lead:LastOptInEmailSentDate,} Date The date the last opt-in related email was sent
Lead Age @{Lead:LeadAge,} Number The age of the lead in the system
Account Org ShortCode @{Account:ShortCode,} String The shortcode of your LeadSquared account.
User Email Address @{User:EmailAddress,} String User’s email address
First Name @{User:FirstName,} String User’s first name
Full Name @{User:FullName,} String User’s full name. Concatenates ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ strings.
Last Name @{User:LastName,} String User’s last name
Phone Number @{User:AssociatedPhoneNumbers,} Number User’s phone number
User Id @{User:UserId,} String User’s Id
Access Key @{User:AccessKey,} String API access key
Secret Key @{User:SecretKey,} String API secret key


Next Steps

After your connector is created, you must submit it for review. See Manage Connectors.

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