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API Documents

Using LeadSquared’s powerful REST API, developers can interact with the LeadSquared platform and build customized solutions.


Provides access to core platform resources like leads, opportunities, activities, tasks, users and more.


Leverage Async API for in-built retry mechanisms, better reliability, and performance.


Access all the functionality required to build your own self-serve lead capture/application portals.


Build custom dashboards and analytics applications to get key insights into your sales processes.

Developer Tools

Developer tools and SDKs that empower you to write custom business logic, build any app or integration, process large volumes of data, and lots more.


Use Lapps to write, test and implement your own custom logic on the LeadSquared Platform.

Create Apps

Build web and mobile connectors with third-party businesses on the LeadSquared Apps Marketplace.

Mavis DB

Create databases to store and access large volumes of data (e.g., product inventories) right inside your LeadSquared account.

Batch Jobs

Process large volumes of data and execute long running tasks without impacting your DB or API limits.


Use webhooks to subscirbe to events (lead create, task update, user create, etc.) in your LeadSquared account.

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