LeadSquared Developer Centre


Tickets Advance Search

Lets you retrieve Tickets using the advanced search criteria.

Note: This API can only be passed by Admin users.



Before you pass this API, the API Configurations setting must be enabled on your account. To do this –

  1. On your LeadSquared account, navigate to My Profile>Settings>Service Cloud, and click API Configurations.
  2. Alongside Enable API, enable the slider LeadSquared Service CRM APIs.
    • Alongside Enable IP Whitelisting, enable the slider and add the IPs you want to whitelist. This is optional.
  3. Once you’re done, click Save.

LeadSquared Service CRM_API Configurations

Note: To obtain the host API URL, contact your account manager, or write to scsupport@leadsquared.com.

Pass the following mandatory API headers –

  • X-LSQ-ACCESS-KEY – <AccessKey>
  • X-LSQ-SECRET-KEY – <SecretKey>


POST https://apigw.service-in.leadsquared.com/api/tenants/{{OrgId}}/tickets/search?scopeFilter={{scopeFilter}}

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
{{scopeFilter}} Pass one of the following headers to retrieve tickets matching the conditions in your payload. This is mandatory: ALL_TICKETS | UNASSIGNED_TICKETS | GROUP_TICKETS | MY_TICKETS


Content-Type: application/json
JSON Body/Payload Icon

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
The operator for all the conditions listed within this object. You can pass AND or OR.

The operator for the individual condition. You can pass AND or OR.


The list of advance search conditions.


Pass  ticket.


Pass the schema name of the ticket field you want to retrieve. You can retrieve system and custom fields. To find the schema name, refer to Ticket Fields Configuration.

Note: If you’re passing a custom field, prefix its name with CustomData. For example, in the image below, the schema name for the “Request Type” field is SRC_CS_2, and we’re passing it as CustomData.SRC_CS_2

Ticket Form Schema Name


The following operators are supported –

  • after: For dates and integer fields.
  • before: For dates and integer fields
  • contains: For wildcard searches.
  • endswith: Checks if a field ends with a specific value.
    Example: Title endswith ‘escalation’
  • equals: Matches a field’s value.
    Example: status equals ‘open’
  • gte: Greater than or equal to.
    Example: CreatedOn gte ‘2025-01-15’
  • in: For multi-select values (use a stringified array).
    Example: status in “[\”open\”, \”closed\”]”
  • isdefined: Checks if a field contains data.
    Example: RelatedAgentId isdefined
  • isfalse: Checks if a field’s value is false.
    Example: Deleted isfalse
  • notdefined: Checks if a field doesn’t contain data.
    Example: RelatedAgentId notdefined
  • istrue: Checks if a field’s value is true.
    Example: Deleted istrue
  • lte: Less than or equal to (similar to gte).
    Example: CreatedOn lte ‘2025-01-16’
  • notcontains: Checks if a field doesn’t contain a specific value.
    Example: Title notcontains ‘escalation’
  • notequal: Checks if a field is not equal to a specific value.
    Example: status notequal ‘closed’
  • notin: Opposite of in (use a stringified array).
    Example: status notin “[\”open\”, \”closed\”]”
  • between: Checks if a field falls within a range (dates or integers).
    Example: CreatedOn between “2025-01-14T18:30:00ZTO2025-01-15T18:29:59Z”
  • startswith: Checks if a field starts with a specific value.
    Example: Title startswith ‘Query’

Pass ‘0’.


Pass ’10’.


Tickets are sorted by CreatedOn date by default. You can specify the schema names of other date-time fields as well. Pass ASC for ascending or DESC for descending.


Used for basic search queries. This can be blank.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
         "Title":"Update Email Id",
         "Description":"Hi, Has my email Id been updated. Have raised this issue a while ago. Thanks, Wim",
            "Name":"Wim Wenders",
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
            "FirstResponseTemplate":"Completed - Breached",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "GroupName":"Delhi Region",
         "StageName":"Finance - Stage 1",
         "SecondaryServiceGroupName":"Delhi Region",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined",
         "FirstContactResolution":"Not Defined"
         "Title":"Update Phone Number",
            "Name":"Wim Wenders",
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "GroupName":"Delhi Region",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined"
         "Title":"Spam Ticket_2",
            "Name":"James Nestor"
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "GroupName":"Delhi Region",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined"
         "Title":"Unable to make payment",
            "Name":"Johnny Rose",
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "GroupName":"Delhi Region",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined"
         "Title":"Service unavailable",
            "Name":"Leia Skywalker",
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "GroupName":"Delhi Region",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined"
         "Title":"Payment Failure",
            "Name":"Shamar Joseph",
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "GroupName":"Delhi Region",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined"
         "Title":"Payment Failure",
            "Name":"Shamar Joseph",
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "GroupName":"Delhi Region",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined"
         "Title":"Payment Failure",
            "Name":"Oshin Anand",
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined"
         "Title":"Payment Failure",
            "Name":"Oshin Anand",
         "AgentName":"David Brent",
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
         "Fcr":"Not Defined"
            "Name":"Mandhi King",
                     "Ticket Owner"
                     "Ticket Owner"
                     "Ticket Owner"
                     "Ticket Owner"
               "Name":"Calendar Hours",
            "Ticket Owner"

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK

This is the status code for successful API call.

401 Unauthorized

The API call was made with invalid access credentials. Check your AccessKey and SecretKey.

400 Bad Request

The message body on the request is not as per API specification. Make sure that content type is set to “application/json” and the JSON body has correct attribute names and structure.

404 Not Found

The API could not be found. Please check the API signature.

429 Too Many Requests

API calls exceeded the limit of 25 in 5 second(s)

500 Internal Server Error

The API called failed. There could be many reasons for it. Check the exception message to get more details.

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