Get Permission Templates
Returns the details of one or more permission templates.
There are 3 ways to use this API –
- Search for a particular template using the “TemplateId”.
- Search for one or more templates using “SearchText” keywords.
- Get all permission templates by passing either a blank “TemplateId” or “SearchText”. For example “TemplateId”: ” ” or “SearchText”: ” “
Note: The example JSON body shown below uses “SearchText” to get permission templates. If you want to retrieve a template using “TemplateId”, use this JSON.
Content-Type: application/json{ "Parameter": {"SearchText": "template"}, "Sorting": {"ColumnName": "ModifiedOn","Direction": 1}, "Paging": {"PageIndex": 1,"PageSize": 100} }
Request Parameters
Parameter | Description |
SearchText | Pass a search keyword to search for one or more permission templates. |
TemplateId | The Id of the permission template. You can only pass one Id here. |
{ "RecordCount": 1, "List": [ { "Id": "3d6565bc-dbfe-11e7-9f0f-0236dfe9c25a", "Name": "Template API", "Description": "Template description through API", "EntityPermissions": [ { "Entity": "Lead", "Permissions": [ { "Action": "Create", "Access": "PartialAccess", "Properties": { "RestrictedFields": [ "FirstName", "LastName" ], "Restrictions": [] } }, { "Action": "Update", "Access": "PartialAccess", "Properties": { "RestrictedFields": [ "FirstName", "LastName" ], "Restrictions": [] } }, { "Action": "Delete", "Access": "NoAccess", "Properties": null }, { "Action": "Import", "Access": "NoAccess", "Properties": null }, { "Action": "Export", "Access": "NoAccess", "Properties": null } ] } ], "CreatedBy": "3b1041fb-8374-11e7-8758-0a106ee76b21", "CreatedOn": "2017-12-08 09:57:45", "ModifiedBy": "3b1041fb-8374-11e7-8758-0a106ee76b21", "ModifiedOn": "2017-12-08 09:57:45", "CreatedByName": "Frank Doe", "ModifiedByName": "Frank Doe", "AssociatedUserIds": [], "AssociatedGroupIds": [], "AssociatedRoleIds": [] } ] }
HTTP Response Codes
Code | Description |
200 OK | This is the status code for successful API call. |
401 Unauthorized | The API call was made with invalid access credentials. Check your AccessKey and SecretKey. |
400 Bad Request | The message body on the request is not as per API specification. Make sure that content type is set to “application/json” and the JSON body has correct attribute names and structure. |
404 Not Found | The API could not be found. Please check the API signature. |
429 Too Many Requests | API calls exceeded the limit of 25 in 5 second(s) |
500 Internal Server Error | The API called failed. There could be many reasons for it. Check the exception message to get more details. |