LeadSquared Developer Centre


Lapps Usage Report

The Lapps usage report presents data on the number of API calls and usage percentage across all Lapps in your account.

Note: The report displays data up till the previous day (as reflected in the last sync date on the top left).

LeadSquared Lapps

Filter the report by a set date range (This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, etc.) or use the custom date range filter to manually choose the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates.

Results are displayed in two views –

Represents the results as a donut chart with only the top 10 Lapps (by number of API calls) visible.

LeadSquared Lapps

Click View All API Calls to see the number of API calls and usage percentage of all the Lapps in table format. To export the data to CSV, click LeadSquared Lapps Features. You’ll receive an email with a link to download the file.

LeadSquared Lapps Features


Represents the usage data in timeline format showing the number of API calls for the selected Lapps by date/month. Click the checkbox alongside a Lapp to view it on the timeline. Each Lapp you select will be assigned a colour on the graph.

Note: 5 Lapps are shown by default and you can select a maximum of 10 Lapps to view on the timeline.

LeadSquared Lapps Features


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